1A Group Limited
Carry On
This project is the second part of the “Letting Go. Carry On: A Capacity Building Initiative”, jointly presented by and the Academy of Visual Arts of the Hong Kong Baptist University. Five local visual artists with art education background will be commissioned to create a series of communal participatory-based workshop, exercise and interactive digital experiences. By asserting that art as a means to offer alternative solutions for contemporary challenges and cultivate positive energy, the project hopes to foster the spirit of resilience and encourage the public to live with “flexible optimism”.
Read more: “Interview Series【7】Healing Oneself While Consoling Others through Digital Access to Arts”
1A Group Limited
“Carry On” is the second part of the “Letting Go. Carry On: A Capacity Building Initiative”, jointly presented by 1a space and the Academy of Visual Arts of the Hong Kong Baptist University. The project is curated by Janet Fong and Eugenia Law, and design and production by Studio Mary.
This project consists of five local visual artists with art education background: Cally Yu, Debe Sham, Ivy Ma, Reds Cheung and Wing Ki-lee.
Savour the Everyday and Embracing the Ever-Changing in Five Participatory Workshops Series
After letting go of our past, how can arts foster the spirit of resilience? How can we carry on? Participants are able to create artworks in the project’s five workshops. The artworks will be showcased in an online exhibition on Letting Go, Carry On website for public viewing.
Encounter with the Spiritual and Material Worlds – Drawing & Found Object Workshop
Instructor: Ivy Ma
There are two sides to this workshop. On the one hand, it attempts to reflect the inner side of individuals; on the other hand, it aims to perceive individuals’ daily life. The former is spiritual; the latter is material. There are two simple exercises. With reference to the Rorschach Inkblot Test and Hilma Af Klint’s Swan Series, participants create a mirror-symmetrical image by means of automatic drawing to search for the “inner picture” beyond the logical mind. The other exercise references Gabriel Orozco’s Asterisms, where participants collect objects (through photo-taking) to re-understand our daily life through observation and action.
Epoh – Participatory Video Art Project
Instructor: Lee Wing Ki
No human is an island. We are a constellation of thoughts, feelings, dreams and sentiments that make us human and communicative. Epoh is a participatory video art project. It explores how netizens in Hong Kong capture the imagery of everyday life amidst lockdown and solitude, and subsequently co-create a video artwork.
Soap Teeth (32 soap teeth, 32 stories) – Online Sculpture Workshop
Instructor: Reds Cheung
We have thirty-two teeth throughout our lifetime. They invariably grow one by one and fall out one after another. Since ancient times, the creator has treated people equally regardless of identity, nationality, or social status. This online workshop envisions to create a collective art project, gathering 32 stories about teeth, while making soap teeth with the public of different age groups.
Ice Forgets – Directional-Participatory Online Workshop
Instructor: Debe Sham
It is not the load that breaks you down, but the way you carry it. Temporary setbacks often have profound effects on shaping who we are in an unknowing way. Ice Forgets is a directional-participatory online workshop led by Debe Sham. It aims at encouraging participants to ruminate over personal life experience through the language of sculpture. In the workshop, solidified water is a potent metaphor and contemplative medium for participants in this line of knowing and thinking. The instructor will introduce casting and moulding techniques, mixing with found objects. Participants are expected to learn and create a wearable sculptural piece.
Three Green Lines, Let’s Carry On With Resilience – Online Creative Workshop
Instructor: Cally Yu
Covid-19 pushes the world to a halt; demons are everywhere; humans are isolated and disorientated; and souls are always under sudden attack. How to carry on with the so-called “New Normal”? Imagination may be our medicine to re-open the window of creativity and let light ignite dark corners. We can then see ourselves with new perspectives and restore our space and ability to listen to others, connecting with nature and gaining better understanding of the world. Let’s carry on. We will provide three green lines, three thematic workshops: White Balance, Half-Moon Fern, Eyebrow Twitching. During the one-month workshop period, each participant shares their experiences or insights on how to utilise them in creative work.
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