Electric Diamond Production Limited
“CHOICE”: Interactive Online Game Project
“CHOICE” is an interactive online role-playing game (RPG) that invites players to take on the role of school children from low-income families and make situational choices accordingly. By confronting the various scenarios, the player is also encouraged to reflect upon issues relating to one’s material and non-material values. Through the active engagement in the game, it is hoped that the public will come to a better understanding of the problems faced by the protagonists and empathize with this severely neglected group of Hong Kong – a phenomenon resulting from the serious disparity between the rich and the poor in this advanced and affluent cosmopolitan city.
Electric Diamond Production Limited
Led by young Hong Kong directors Wong Wan-sze and Leung Kin-pong, Electric Diamond Production aims to uncover truth and confront cruelty using strong cinematic language. Its works focus on the moral desires of individuals in modern society from a fresh perspective. The company’s past projects include Alpha Maria (2019), the first Hong Kong TV series starring a transgender actor and the short film Beloved Storage (2018), shortlisted for the mm2 Movie Makers Awards. The company also represented Hong Kong in Best of INPUT (INternational PUblic Television) 2020.
Stepping into the Shoes of the Underprivileged Student in RPG
Based on the film SEMI funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the interactive online game “Choice” is a Role-Playing Game (RPG), which invites players to take on the role of school children from low-income families and make various choices in their situations. The player will enter the virtual reality as a fourteen-year-old student and make various choices based on the limited resources available to the character. The player will need to try and balance the character’s school grades, as well as his physical and psychological well-being.