HKOP Printin' Online

Hong Kong Open Printshop Limited

HKOP Printin’ Online

This initiative serves as the first platform which combines the preservation, promotion and education of graphic art in Hong Kong. It is also the first print art online resource hub equipped with Arts Accessibility services. The website is designed with specific target audience in mind, including primary/secondary teachers and students, tertiary students and the public at large. The content will include demonstration for print making, video tutorials and workshop kit, and an online print art encyclopaedia.

Hong Kong Open Printshop Limited

Founded in 2000, Hong Kong Open Printshop Limited (HKOP) is dedicated to promoting graphic art, encouraging international cultural exchange, enhancing quality and professional standard in artistic expression, and giving back to the community by preserving local print art culture. From its very first workshop in a tenement building at Shanghai Street, HKOP has been upgraded to its current address at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) since 2015.

Study, Learn and Try Your Hands on Printmaking at Home

The project offers a variety of online resources regarding printmaking, including a WikiPrint, tutorial shorts and live streaming of demonstration and workshops. Viewers can register for the workshop and experience the joy of printmaking at home with the materials package provided.

1) HKOP Online Archive – “WikiPrint” & “Graphic Art Archive” (Supplemented with Audio Description)

An educational resource based on the holdings of HKOP. The content covering the various techniques in lithography print, relief print, Intaglio and serigraphy print.

2) Printmaking Tutorial Shorts (Supplemented with Subtitles, Sign Interpretation & Audio Description)

An educational resource on the basics of lithography print, relief print, Intaglio, serigraphy print and blue print, curated and demonstrated by local artists.

3) Online Live Demonstration (Supplemented with Sign Interpretation)

A six-part series illustrating domestic versions of lithography print, relief print, Intaglio, serigraphy print, chromatic printing and dye printing by local artists.

Kitchen Lithography (Artist: Lam Lok-san)

The drinking coke is a main ingredient used in lithography. The artist uses the beverage commonly found in households to draw and explain the know-hows of lithography. Viewers can sip along while they create their own lithography print.

Mono Screen Printing (Artist: Lai Siu-wai, Arrow)

Each mono screen print is unique. It retains the essence of printmaking while creating distinctive variations in colours and texture. It is also a more efficient way to obtain prints. The artist shares his experience and tips in mono screen printing. Viewers can have fun with the gauge screen and squeegee without using emulsion and exposure machine.

Intaglio – Etching (Artist: Lau Hong-lam)

Intaglio is most useful in revealing the finer details of objects, such as the lines and textures of leaves, fingerprints and even the graininess of the pencil’s graphite. The artist demonstrates this copper plate etching by handy materials other than the etching needle.

Marbling (Artist: Chan Cheuk-yan, Glo)

Dye prints can result in marble-like patterns, therefore, it is also known as marbling. It is often found in classical books, in which the uniqueness of the pattern becomes a useful means to counter forgery. The artist illustrates various marbling skills used on end paper and book edge. Viewers can personalize their own collections with special designs and prints.

Multi-Plate Woodblock (Artist: Lau Ka-chun, Jay)

Woodblock printing is a type of relief printing. Unlike offset prints, a woodblock comes with natural woodgrains. Colour register refers to the printing of two or more colours on paper. When printing, print one colour on one plate first, before placing the same paper on another plate to print the second colour. Artist Lau Ka-chun, Jay is good at creating woodblock portrait prints and his distinctive works’ sharp, intricate inscriptions manifest the conditions of young people in Hong Kong.

Monotype (Artist: Mak Wing-sum, Sammi)

Draw on a smooth surface such as glass or acrylic sheet. After that, print it by a hand-printing or block-printing press. The image on the surface will be transferred onto the paper and the resulted print is a monotype. Artist Mak Wing-sum, Sammi demonstrates the use of different tools and materials to print monotypes. The effect is like painting, which expresses the variation of brushstrokes and colours.

4) Live Streaming of Online Workshop (Supplemented with Sign Interpretation)

A six-part step-by-step demonstrations and tutorials on lithography print, relief print, Intaglio, serigraphy print and bookbinding by local artists. Viewers can join this paid event by signing up via email: Registered users will receive the material package and link to the corresponding workshop.