Sze Mei-ting
The Workshop Guide to Ceramics by Hong Kong Ceramics Artists
The Workshop Guide to Ceramics by Hong Kong Ceramics Artists establishes an online platform that combined the research of Hong Kong ceramics art with a practical guide to ceramics for beginners. Through a series of dialogues with contemporary ceramicists, the project aims to open up discussion on the development of ceramics art in Hong Kong.
Read more: “Interview Series【4】Online Arts Education Opens New Frontier for Teaching and Learning”
Sze Mei-ting
Sze Mei-ting graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011. In 2014, she was awarded an International Master’s Bursary and obtained her Master of Fine Arts degree from University of Reading in 2016. Sze was granted an artist residency and studied ceramics course in the UK for a year. Upon returning to Hong Kong, Sze had worked as an art administrator for three years. She is currently focusing on ceramics practice and teaching at CUSCS and in secondary schools. Sze uses ceramics primarily in studio practice. Her artwork focuses on exploring the possibilities of clay and fathom the nature of daily objects.
A Comprehensive Platform Dedicated to Ceramics Arts in Hong Kong
The Workshop Guide to Ceramics by HK Ceramics Artists establishes an online platform that combined the research of Hong Kong ceramics art with a practical guide to ceramics for beginners. Through a series of dialogues with contemporary ceramicists, the project aims to invite discussion on the development of HK ceramics art.
The project consists of three components, namely an interview-documentary by representative ceramic artists, a six-part workshop tutorial, as well as sharing sessions by participating artists and an online interactive forum.
1. Interview-Documentary and Featured Thesis
The project will interview 8 contemporary ceramicists, including Annie Wan, Rosanna Li, Wai Wai-yim, Sara Tse, Chan See-kwong, Ray, Chan Kiu-hong, Joe, Wong Ho-lun, Tiger, Ng Ka-ho (in no particular order). In the studio visits and interviews with artists are preserved as part of oral history. Through the shooting of practical process in documentaries, the project attempts to complement knowledge on narrative writing. In addition, the featured thesis on project website is composed by critic Eddie Cheung and artist Sze Mei-ting, who seek to open discussion of contemporary ceramics practice and Hong Kong ceramics arts.
2. The Workshop Guide to Ceramics
The Workshop Guide to Ceramics, organised into 6 parts covering forming techniques and surface decoration, will include demonstration videos which show the comprehensive techniques in simple ways for beginners. The videos will be accessible from the project website for ceramics lovers and beginners to review the essential skills and techniques at their own pace.
3. Online Artists Sharing Sessions
The project will launch three online artist-sharing sessions in June 2021. The online and live events will gather the collaborated artists and participants for sharing, exchange discussion on HK ceramics art.